Information Technology jobs

Information Technology

The City of Ottawa hires for many different Information Technology roles required to support our 100+ business lines within our large and varied organization. 
Whether you are helping people solve their daily technology problems or developing products and services behind the scenes, a big part of your career will involve making other people’s lives simpler with your specialized skills and expertise.

You’ll work closely with others to understand their challenges and what they need technology to do to make their lives easier. Your ability to problem-solve and innovate will help your colleagues do their jobs better and contribute to the overall success of the organization.

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Senior Systems Developer/Integrator 21 Mar 2025

Here are some of the Information Technology job titles that we use at the City.  As you can see, we have lots of opportunities that make for a full and varied IT career here at the City of Ottawa: 

•    Manager
•    Program Manager
•    SAP Technical Architect
•    Applications Project Manager
•    Information Security Analyst
•    Security Architect
•    Technology Adoption Specialist
•    Network Analyst
•    Service Desk Analyst

The following is a list of all current Information Technology jobs available within the City of Ottawa – If there are not any jobs available at this time, you can subscribe to job alerts under “My Account” or continue to check back as we update the list regularly. 

Good luck on your career path with the City of Ottawa.